
The Yoke Partnership (tm) Book—buy one, and get free bonus book!


Bible Sales Are Exploding!  In 2019, 9.7 million Bibles were sold in the U.S., but by the first 10 months of 2024, that number has soared to more than 13.7 million—an impressive 22% increase over the same period in 2023, according to The Washington Times.

But what is one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to understanding Bible passages?  Answer: Understanding the kind of relationship that God wants every person to have.


The Yoke Partnership (tm) will show you an approach never before seen in a Bible Study Book. 

“The Yoke Partnership … “ looks at 520+ Scriptures that show that it is a personal partnership that God wants to have with His people, and especially with His ministers.  It shows in 520+ passages of proof how God has always planned to be partners with persons, families, groups, churches, and nations of people.


Also See Below:

—Read Key Excerpt, and See What Others Have Said About This New Book.


—Welcome to the BIG Advantage of a New Kind of Publishing Company,  Yoke Publishing LLC.


—Discover How to Get Free Bonus Book, the Graham Biblical Lectionary (tm)!


What Would It Mean If Jesus Christ Were to Be Your Personal Yoke Partner?  Find Out with the Yoke Partnership (tm)!


This Key Excerpt Is about an Exodus Passage in the “Yoke Partnership”:


Chapters 24:1-11; 32:1-20 (HCSB for these verses quoted)

First, we see explanation of the laws.  But the Israelites force Aaron to make a golden calf to worship, as Moses is still on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments.  After He gives him the tablets, God tells him what is happening.  One of the most amazing passages in the Bible is the middle of the second passage in our selection, chapter 32, verses 9-10.  Look at what God says to Moses, “I have seen these people, and they are a stiff-necked people.  Now leave Me alone, so that My anger may burn against them, and that I may destroy them.  Then I will make you into a great nation.”


Right in the middle of those two verses are some of the most astounding words God ever said to a man, “Now leave Me alone.”  What!?  God asks Moses to leave Him alone!  In other words, God was saying to Moses, “Don’t stop Me from doing what I propose to do next.”  What!?  Can a man stop God from doing something that God is proposing to do?!  No, of course not!  EXCEPT—YES!  In one way—intercession!  God is saying to Moses, “Don’t intercede for this people, because that is the only way I can be stopped from destroying them.”  Listen closely and carefully to this—intercession can change God.  God will allow intercession by a man, a group, a church, or a nation to stop Him from something He has planned, or do something He has not planned!


That is the kind of partnership that God wants a man, a woman, a family, a church, or a nation to have with Him!  This kind of partnership is a free will partnership that has the freedom to plead with God, to negotiate with God, to intercede with God.  And God will allow that kind of partnership to have intercession to change Him in certain situations.


Why should God have to make such a request of a man?  He doesn’t have to.  But He is developing further the partnership He has with Moses, and with the people.  Moses recognizes this strange request for what it is, and immediately intercedes for the people.  He makes this plea by basing it on the honoring of God.  He tells Him the surrounding nations will think that God brought Israel out of Egypt with evil intent, so He could destroy them.  Moses also asks God to remember the promises and partnerships He had made (and still has in place) with Abraham, Isaac, and Israel (Jacob).  Moses’ concern is the honor of God, both in the eyes of the other nations, and in fulfilling the promises He made to their forefathers.  Notice that he doesn’t beg for mercy, probably because Israel doesn’t deserve mercy.  The people have sinned a grievous sin, so Moses cannot beg for God’s mercy.  That explains what Moses does at the bottom of the mountain.


Verse 14 is key in refuting Calvinism.  “So the Lord relented concerning the disaster He said He would bring on His people.” (HCSB)  In other words, God changed His mind.  Yes, He foreknew Moses would intercede, and yes, He foreknew He would agree to Moses’ pleading.  But the word ‘relented’ means something very important.  It means that if Moses in his free will had not interceded, God would have destroyed the people, and He would have instead made a great nation of Moses.  God’s destruction of the people would have been in full alignment with His character of punishing the wicked.


Ezekiel 22:30-31 gives us the exact same situation, but with the opposite results.  God looks for a man who will stand in the gap, who will intercede for the people.  Why?  So He won’t destroy them.  God searches for a man who will stop Him from destroying the people, just as He had with Moses.  But what happened?  He could not find one!  So, He, in His holiness, had to punish the people for their idolatry by destroying them.  And He does.  Two identical situations with two opposite results.  What made the difference?  A man who was willing to confront Almighty God, and intercede for a sinful people.


Moses, God’s friend, God’s partner, did intercede, and since he did, God relented.  He changed His mind about destroying the people.  In other words, it was Moses who got God to relent, to change His mind.  That means that we, the followers of God, get to, at times, negotiate with, argue with, persuade, convince God to not do things that He says He will do.  Or, the vice versus.  We have the opportunities, in the same fashion, to convince God to do things that He has said He won’t do.  We can ask God to change His mind, and sometimes, He will.  That is how great God really is.  He gives His people the possibilities of being real partners who can move God in certain directions.


Again, we are actual partners with God, and we all have the opportunities to use those partnerships to change God’s mind, and even change history, within certain limits.  The limits are the ultimate plans that God has concerning us, His partners, His children, in training us to be His co-rulers, to co-reign with Him on the thrones of the new age.  If our requests line up with the training God is doing with us, so that we can co-rule with God, then God will at times change His plans, even His plans to punish sinners.  Our God is that big of a God.  Praise His name!


Calvin’s concept of God is too small.  He failed to recognize that God is a Father, our heavenly Father.  And will not a father allow his child to convince him to change his mind, when it is ultimately the father’s intent to bless his child as to that change?  Yes, he will.  And God will allow any of His children to change His mind when the change fits the ultimate plans that He has to bless His children!  Praise His name!  Any conception of God that is less than this dishonors God.  So, Calvinism dishonors God.

(End of excerpt)


What Others Have Said About the Yoke Partnership


“I have known Richard for many years and have found him to be both knowledgeable and articulate …. His narrative explains in detail the biblical inadequacies of Calvinism and Arminianism, using both the Scriptures and theologians to back his assertions … Once he discusses the significant ideologies of these two opposing doctrines, including their strengths and inherent weaknesses, he introduces a third view of our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, The Yoke Partnership. I would recommend this book to all who wish to develop the understanding of the Father's connection to those who believe and trust in Him as they look forward to the eternal work He desires for us in the next life.”  —Retired VP of SBC College


“I am glad to see that someone wrote down all that I have been thinking for 45 years. This author, Richard Graham, has skillfully devoted himself to honoring Who God fully is and that He, God, changes not to satisfy man’s desired attempts to make Him fit their imperfect understandings of Him … My 45 years of belief has been empowered by Graham’s hard work, Thank you.”  —SBC pastor and prayer consultant


“I thoroughly enjoyed reading this work on the special partnership humans can have with God through Christ. Richard speaks plainly about the difficulties with the Calvinist perspective which we from the reformed tradition tend to ignore, and we would do well to hear and consider.”  —Church planter, London, England


Three Methods to Buy This Book, and Get a Free Bonus Book When You Do!


Click on the link to pay by credit card for $22.77 (includes tax and card fee)  The link is:




Or send a check (includes tax) for $22 to: Yoke Publishing LLC, c/o Richard Graham, 5508 Logwood Avenue, Louisville, KY 40272.


You can also order from our website: www.yokepartnership.com .


Please be sure to include your email address.  With your paid order, we will then send asap to you by email the pdf copy of the book, along with the bonus free book of the Graham Biblical Lectionary (tm), also by pdf.  This lectionary, normally $12.50, is in itself a valuable resource for preaching through the church year, and is coordinated with the regular calendar.  It enables planning messages using 520+ Bible passages over three years.  It is far more complete than the Common Lectionary, as used by many.  The huge advantage to this is that you, if you are a pastor, ensure that you give your congregation the full range of the Bible, and keep yourself from falling into the trap of unintentionally preaching only favorite passages and topics.  I used this method at two different churches over nine years, and it works!  My people heard from ALL the Scriptures, not just the familiar ones.

If you are not a pastor, it is ideal for personal devotions, Bible study groups, even helping a new believer or a non-believer to understand how God wants a personal relationship with Him!


Welcome to the BIG Advantage of a New Kind of Publishing Company, the Yoke Publishing LLC.


Both books are published by Yoke Publishing LLC.  These new books will greatly help your ministry and personal growth as a believer.  Our email address is yokepartnershippublishing@yahoo.com .


One big advantage is that these books are pdf books.  This means that you will have your own copy of each, placed by you on (1) your personal computer or laptop, on (2) a thumb drive (5.6 MB for YP), and/or printed out as (3) a hard copy for your use.  It has the advantage and convenience of a ebook, but without the disadvantage of not actually having your own copy.  Normally, ebooks can be taken away by Amazon, Nook, or eBook, and many have been lost this way.  These pdf books are your own copies.  This method is Yoke Publishing LLC’s only way of publishing our releases.  No emails are sold or given away to others.


We look forward to hearing from you!  But, if you do not want this book(s), please send an “unsubscribe” email.  Thank you!  —The team at Yoke Publishing LLC.  God bless.

2025 (c) Richard Graham, all rights reserved.


Both of our books are great for devotional use!

The Yoke Partnership book is a great book for studying and applying the Bible passages it covers--over 520 different passages.  Just read the Bible passage for your daily devotional, and then see what the Yoke Partnership says about it, and the partnerships that God wants with you, me, our families, our churches, our government organizations (state, nation, et al.), our work places, neighbors, friends, and strangers we meet each day!


The Graham Biblical Lectionary is a great book for studying three passages a week for over three years!  You can use it by applying it to the regular or secular calendar, and seeing how the Christian calendar coordinates with it.  E.g., December 1, 8, 15, and 22 are the Advent Sundays of the Christian year.  This lectionary is far more complete than the Common Lectionary (as it is called), which doesn't even contain some of the books of the Bible!  This book can be purchased alone ($12.50, including tax by mail), or you can get it for a free bonus book, when you buy The Yoke Partnership book!  See Welcome section in the left column for its benefit, cost, and how to order.

  January 2025  
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